How to wear- The Modern Brigette
There is a reason why this is one of our, if not the most popular cut we get asked for. It’s beauty lies in both its simplicity and subtleness, though the versatility it creates can transform slightly lifeless long hair.
It looks equally as beautiful when your hair is tied up as it does when your hair is down.
On the days you want to emphasise the fringe, wear it in the middle with a little sugar spray spritzed in. Rough dry from above, pushing the hair to either side until 75% dry. Tuck behind ears until finished.
For the days you want more volume, throw it to the side. Usually a day or two after it has been washed so it has a little natural texture.
Throw in 4 large rollers, leave it for an hour and brush backwards for Matilda Djerf 70's inspired volume.
When you don’t have time to wash your hair, dry shampoo the front. Grab a long hair pin and a hairband. Backcomb the top ever so slightly, then ponytail your hair leaving the front out. Twist around your thumb and pin in place with 2-3 pins. There is a video step by step here. The look is reminiscent of Bridgette Bardot in the 60's.
We asked a few of our clients if they wouldn’t mind giving their daily hair routine for The Modern Brigitte. What products they like to apply for texture and their preferred methods of drying.
Hopefully there is a little something you can take away to try on your own hair!
Frances- E
veryday I’m washing my hair I use a round brush to blow dry my fringe downwards to give it a good curl then rough dry the rest of my hair.
I don’t use any product on it at all until after I’ve put heat on it. Once it’s dry I brush it through and go section by section curling the ends with my straighteners, all downwards (not backward like a lot of people do it) making sure I don’t miss out the shorter layered parts that really give the hair body at the end.
Once I’ve done that to my whole head I give it a sprits of hairspray and brush the whole thing out with my head upside down. I flip my head up, give it a little tease and bammm
How I style my hair most days:
I find the less I do with my hair the better it looks. I have naturally wavy, fine hair that is quite malleable so on most days, I just roughly brush through my wet hair to detangle it, tuck it behind my ears, and let it air dry.
During the air-drying process, I will play with my hair or wrap it in a neat bun before it's completely dry for a defined wave.
I barely use any products daily and when I do, it's either any hair oil to control frizz and rescue split, dry ends if needed. A texturing mist by Shu Uemura, or any dry shampoo to avoid hair looking flat.
After towel drying my hair I flip it upside down and run some Hairstory ‘The Balm’ through the lengths and ends and do an initial blow dry whilst there to get some excess moisture out.
Then, I spritz Larry King’s Volumizing Hair Mist through the roots and dry some more, making sure to lift the roots with my finger tips.
When my hair is about 50-60% dry I spray the Hairstory’s Déshabillé through the lengths, liberally. Keeping the front sections separate, I grab sections of my hair and scrunch them into my palm and use the blow dryer to create movement.
When its 80% dry I twist my hair up into a top knot and leave to ‘set’ for about 20mins - if I’m in a rush I’ll blow dry the bun. With the front sections I just use my fingers to dry from side to side and then clip them back with ‘no crease clips’ to create a framing effect around my face.
When I’m ready to go I take the clips out, let my hair down and shake it out upside down and voilá, good to go!
After a few days I use dry shampoo through the roots and lengths and a bit of volume powder at the front and it looks just as awesome as on day 1.
I only wash my hair 1-2x/wk and always use Ouai’s detox shampoo to cut through the product.
If I leave to air dry I just pop in some Kérastase Elixir Ultime L'Original Hair Oil, brush into the parting I want & just let it do it’s thing, I’ll sometimes add a little salt spray the next day too!
Sean recommended either Undressed by hair story as it is not stiff or crunchy, or if I could somehow find it; the Eau de Vagues sugar spray.
If I’m styling it I’ll use Redken One United Multi-Benefit Treatment on my wet hair then rough dry a little then spray Larry kings hair Volumising mist before I style with my Dyson airwrap. Again I’ll either use some salt spray for more texture or Kérastase Elixir Ultime L'Original Hair Oil for a little extra shine x
After I have showered I would rub my hair dry as much as I could using a T-shirt (I heard it damages your hair less but this might be a rumour).
Then I would brush out the tangles by brushing my hair outwards rather than downwards. I’d shake my head upside down and give it a quick blow dry until it is barely damp.
For the fringe: I used the Ghd 35 mm Size 2 Ceramic Vented Radial Brush for this part.
While drying it I curl the end of the fringe outwards - this looks a bit strange but I just trust the process.
I spray some Kerastase Eau de Vagues on, then brush through with my fingers and shake it out a bit. Voila!
In terms of styling:
After washing I towel dry it in microfibre turban.
Then I separate out the fringe section and dry it with a round barrelled brush and then while it’s still warm I tuck it behind my ears.
Next I mix some Hershesons almost everything cream together with Virtue hair lol and very gently scrunch it into my hair to keep the curls in shape.
I then leave it to air dry and once it’s done I’ll add some more oil if I need to
My routine is probably so much more straight forward since COVID which I’m loving.
Literally just wash hair and use some Superdrug Style Expertise Mousse while damp (not dripping wet) and then leave it to air dry.
Once it’s dry I use a little bit of Elnett hair spray to hold my fringe and to give the length of it a bit of body and shape
In order to achieve my Bardot type fringe, after washing my hair I take the face framing sections of hair and tuck them behind my ears and let them dry.
I do this alongside lightly scrunching the ends of my hair to make a natural looking beach wave.
What I enjoy most about this hairstyle is that it requires no heat or any extra effort!
Nonetheless it looks equally good if you use a large barrel hair curler to add some more waves or want to perfect the shape.’