How To Wear- The Ruby.
The Curly Girl Method. Plopping. Diffusing. Creating a Cast, Twisting, Locking.
Curly hair, especially when embracing it for the first time can feel like a minefield of confusing names, products and techniques.
In fact, we would go as far to say it possibly hinders the beginning transition for some women embracing the natural texture of their hair for the first time. A PHD in products, and a thesis in texture, we can assure you - is not needed.
We found we learnt the most about drying hair naturally, not by reading books, articles or the reverse of product labels. It was a simple as asking women with beautiful hair what their routine was:
Backstage on shoots if a model had amazing hair, as assistants we would often strike up conversation, asking if they wouldn’t mind showing us how they dried it.
Clients who came in with great hair we would question during the cut, hoping they would reveal their tips or tricks.
Occasionally a few weeks after one of our haircuts, if someone sent us a selfie of their hair, we would be intrigued at how that client had got our haircut to dry so nicely.
It became apparent that everyone has their own little tweaks. That reading a book on curly hair was a great foundation, though in reality perhaps not as effective if you stuck to it word to word; what works for Barbra in Scunthorpe with 2a waves will not work on Giselle from London with 4c coils.
If you can understand the basic principles surrounding textured hair; to not brush it as it dries. To let a gentle cast form. Combing outwards instead of down.Not touching the diffuser on the hair until at least 40% dry as examples, then you can tweak the products you use, the method of drying and the time taken to work for you.
We hope you can take a few of the tips or tricks and product recommendations from the women below. See if you can add, tweak or try it in to your own routine.
Clara -
I never use heat!
Most days, I don’t put any cream in my hair.
I just use a curl-friendly shampoo and conditioner when washing- I use either Cantu Natural Hair shampoo or Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula shampoo.
I keep the conditioner in my hair and use my hands to define my curls when it’s still wet. I then let it air dry - I never use heat!
Usually I just Co wash my hair every other day to add some moisture. I'll then let it air dry naturally and let it be free and natural without product.
Other days when I want a slightly smarter perfect curl I take on Sean's tips he gave me after our cut. I'll pop some John Freida serum, Kiehls silk groom and Boucleme gel and scrunch it in. I'll then desperate the curls into separate ringlets after it dries.
Lynn -
I use Shea Moisture shampoo and conditioner.
I wear my hair naturally and occasionally blow dry my hair smooth. The hair cut allows me to do the best of both.
Ok, so since THE CUT my hair has naturally curled which is amazing! Using as many hair do tips as I can that suit me, I have kept using an all chemical free shampoo and conditioner by A’Kin which I think has strengthened my hair as it’s fine and was weak for long time after over bleaching! I try to only wash it with these once a week
At the moment what’s working for me is spraying palmers coconut oil leave in conditioner around the ends then following the brushing up and outwards with a wide tooth brush. I then either add Cantu repair cream conditioner , scrunching it in OR I’ll use the mousse. I think the mousse is if I want a bit more texture really. But I stole that from my daughter so it was convenient & thankfully it likes my hair! I’ve found NONE of these products are too heavy on my fine hair as I often find things make it greasy and weigh it down to look flat.
I almost always air dry now and dry with diffuser if I need to get out and my hair is still damp to give it some welly and volume.
The rest of the week I will wet and scrunch or tie it up once it’s dirty & maybe add dry shampoo for a day or two so I don’t have to over wash it.
I bloody love my hair cut it’s given me so much more confidence!
As routine goes, I don’t wash my hair every day, but just dampen in the morning, comb with a wide tooth comb and scrunch some curl cream (Hershesons Almost Everything Cream) through, and let it air dry. Xx
Georgia -
On a day-to-day basis, I wet my hair and then run some cantu shea and avocado conditioner through it. I do this so that I am able to brush through it. I will leave that for around 5-ish minutes.
I then dry it with a micro fibre towel so it’s damp then I put some L’oréal frizz serum that’s for longer thicker hair. I run Cantu curl activator though it brush it through with a Denman brush and then scrunch the curls.
To conclude I spray some Cantu leave-in conditioner and scrunch again and then put a small bit of Eco gel in so that the curls hold.
Leilah -
I have a really minimal and low maintenance routine with my hair. I wash it maybe once a week, with conditioner only and comb my hair only with the conditioner in never when it’s dry.
I leave the conditioner in and allow it to air dry always. Then in the evenings I french plait it to stop it from becoming knotty and it helps to revive the curls. Then each day, I take it out of the plait, swish it a bit and ready to go!
Tegan -
Most days I am super lazy, I leave a bit of conditioner in and just let it air dry. If it needs a refresh I mix water and conditioner in a little spray bottle to bring the girls back to life.