Olivia Claire

The hands that keeps the clock ticking

Liv has known both of us since before The Hair Bros. If you know either of us, stock takes, product ordering and rota organisation (or organisation in general) isn’t our forte.

When Cort, Frankie and Roxy joined, Liv left her job and joined as essentially the new operations manager position. She is the first face to greet customers coming in through the door, and is the team glue when it comes to keeping everyones schedules in order.

Like Nanny McPhee, a sense of calm washes over both clients - ensuring appointment queries are sorted, prams manoeuvred or delayed bus journeys accommodated - and with the gang here at Sydney Street -Sean and Nick running late with their clients, an ill pet, or Vogue wants an article in the next 5 minutes.

Essentially Liv is the hands that keeps the clock ticking along nicely.